Wednesday, January 20, 2010

10 Great Greasemonkey Scripts for Google

Google is the most popular search engine on the internet. Allowing you to easily find whatever you want in the nice and simple way. Google is also translated into many other languages, making it the default search engine worldwide. People likes it because it’s simple, functional and easy to use.
But, fortunately you can improve Google search engine even more with these below scripts. To use these scripts, you’ll need to install this extension to your web browser.

Top 10 Greasemonkey Scripts for Google:

This Google Black script enhances all Google service pages with an inverted color-scheme for reduced eye fatigue; it also removes ads & clutter and improves page layout and readability by widening search results.

This script allows you to go directly to the image files from the Google Image Search. Can be very useful script for those who hate to link 2 or more times just to see the specific image.

Replaces “Sign Out” link on Google pages with a select box of accounts. Quite useful script if you use more than one Google Account on your computer.

Very useful script which fix the Google search page. Allows you to easily browse through other Google services using a few clicks. Also, fixes some Google functions and options that may bother you.

Displays results for Google image search, video search, Wikipedia search, search and other language versions of Wikipedia search alongside normal Google searches.

Shows real-time search results from Twitter on Google search pages. Very useful script, specially if you use and like a Twitter. Uses very nice design too which fits nicely on the result pages.

This simple and cool script allows you to download any book from the official Google Books search engine. This may be very useful script for most users. Specially to those which likes to read something on the computer.

Forces Google products to use (https) secure connection . Also compatible with Opera 9+. Supported: Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Reader, History, Bookmarks, Groups, Knol, Notebook, Webmasters, Voice, Contacts.

Removes ads from Google search result pages. Nothing less, nothing more.

Use keys to browse Search results and VIM like search field editing. Very functional script that can easily improve and even speed up your Google experience.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bypass Captcha on Megauplaod with Megaupload auto-fill captcha

Bypass Captcha on Megauplaod with Megaupload auto-fill captcha

Today morning I was trying to Download some videos from Megaupload. After downloading few movies I was fed in entering the Captcha. So I started looking for any script or hack which can bypass the Megaupload captcha. After searching for a while I was able to find a Megaupload auto-fill captcha script which will fill out the captcha automatically.

Megaupload auto-fill captcha will definitely save a lot of your valuable time. It works as if there was no captcha and the download starts automatically. You need to install Grease Monkey Firefox extension for this script to work. The script also supports batch downloading.

8 Great Greasemonkey Scripts for Rapidshare

  • RS Bundle – Rapidshare Free service helper. Allows you to have few features including ad cleanup, auto-clicks the free button, adds download link for download managers, download ready alerts, shows timer in your browser, very easy to use and setup.

  • NoDelay – The script is designed to automatically bypass delaying tactics by the providers of the service, to reach the download link or to a point where human interaction is actually needed, as oppose to mindlessly pressing buttons and interactively waiting for the time delay to reach the same point.

  • Rapidshare Link Checker – Automatically checks,, and links from the page that you are visiting. There is no limit in the number of checked links, you will not be blocked from even if you check 2000 links at once.

  • Rapidshare Booster – Automatically downloads on RapidShare and fully embeds Google as internal search engine. Very good and simple script.

  • Rapidshare Helper – Removes absolutely everything except for the captcha box from and pages, starts download automatically when timer runs out.

  • Rapidshare Deceit – Script removes ads, images and all content of download page and it’s not nessesary to wait XX seconds.

  • Rapidshare Collectors/Premium Zone Tweak – The collectors zone tweak script is a modification of nvm’s Premium Zone tweak. It enables mass delete of files from the Remote Upload area. The new system is irritating and wastes a lot of time on constant clicking to delete each remote upload job one by one. This script automates that.

  • Rapidshare User Upgrade++ – Rapidshare User Upgrade++ is a script to help automate some features in rapidshare account pages such as deleting multiple records from remote uploads, instead of doing them one by one.

Correct timing to drink water

Valuable Information...!

Correct timing to drink water, will maximize its effectiveness on the Human body.

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs

One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Please pass this to the people you know.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Some weight loss Tips

1) Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day - this helps flush your body of impurities and fat. You can also substitute a few glasses of water for green or herbal tea.

2) Break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones - this will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.

3) Increase your fruit and vegetable intake - these are packed with vitamins.

4) Decrease your fat intake - try for no more than 20 grams per day.

5) Exercise for 30 minutes each day - take a walk, or play a game with your kids. Just get moving.

6) Find a hobby - take up knitting or painting to keep your hands busy.

7) Don’t eat that late night snack - Try not to eat for at least 2 hours before going to bed.

8)Listen to your body - your body will tell you when it is full, hungry, stressed, tired. Learn the signs and obey what your body is telling you.

9) Increase your fiber - choose whole grain pasta and bread.

10) Cleanse and detoxify - this may be the most important. Rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals, while allowing it to function normally.

In 24 Hours Average Human

1) HEART beats 1,03,689 times.

2) LUNGS respire 23,045 times.

3) BLOOD flows 16,80,000 miles.

4) NAILS grow 0.00007 inches

5) HAIR grows 0.01715 inches

6) Take 2.9 pounds WATER (including all liquids)

7) Take of 3.25 pounds FOOD.

8) Breathe 438 cubic feet AIR.

9) Lose 85.60, BODY TEMPERATURE.

10) Produce 1.43 pints SWEAT.

11) Speak 4,800 WORDS.

12) During SLEEP move 25.4 times.

Sunday, January 10, 2010 Download Wait Timer Hack

You will need:

Mozilla Firefox ( 3.x or newer)-

Firebug (Firefox Addon) -

Firebug in the Firefox addon tray.

With Firefox configured with Firebug, you are armed with the tools necessary to modify JavaScript as it executes real time from your system memory. ’s download timer is written in pure client side JavaScript. A quick glance through the script shows there are multiple points of vulnerability, thus multiple methods of hacking the java script running in your web browser. The only question now is “Trick or Treat”?

Method 1: Trick It

This method initializes all built in script functions which actually are preventing immediate download, however once it is initialized, the second variable definition actually satisfies the timer function by telling the mathematical timer that the time waited is greater than what is required, thus forcing the script to continue and present us with the option to execute the document.forms.f.submit(); function.

starttimer(); var timerend=30001;

Method 2: Treat It

Skipping the above form, you can actually just call the summit form straight away. This is the most efficient method of skipping the timer, as it literally bypasses all timer functions and posts the download form which is hidden and out of site.


Choose Wisely

To take advantage of these JavaScript hacks, in Firebug, switch to the console. If it is not enabled, click on Firebug’s console menu to enable it, which will reload the page with the console enabled. The console has two sections to it. One for displaying events as they happen, and a second, for manually inputting commands to the page loaded in memory in real time.

The input console will be prefixed with “>>>” indicating that it is the location for putting your commands in.

JavaScript console in Firebug for Mozilla Firefox.

Once you have decided which method you want to use, simply paste in your modified code.

If you are wanting to play with the timer’s numbers, Please take note that the time is represented in milliseconds. When specifying time in milliseconds, 1000 equals one second, 10,000 equals ten seconds, etc. In the below code example, the “timerend” is equal to thirty seconds, and one thousandth of a second.

var timerend=30001;

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to stay helathy

1. Cleaning the face: One should wash face 5-6 times a day. This helps in cleaning of the dirt accumulated on the face and gives freshness.

2. Protecting eyesight: Fill your mouth with water, close the eyes and sprinkle water on them about 10-15 times. Gently rub the eyelids and give a tender massage to the eye balls. Staying up late in the night and sleeping after sunrise is harmful for the eyes.

3. Drinking a glass of water: After this one should take a glass of water. This helps in the smooth passing of stool and urine. Make it a regular habit to drink 10-12 glass of water everyday. Warm water is especially good for regulating elimination and cleansing toxins from the physiology.

4. Cleaning teeth: The twig of neem or babool should be used for cleaning the teeth.

5. Scraping the tongue: Tongue should be scraped regularly otherwise it gives rise to foul smells. Scrapets made of copper, steel or plastic can be used.

6. Gargling: Til oil gargling is good for jaws, depth of voice and good taste for food. By doing this type of gargling one never gets cracked lips, bad odor, sore throat and toothache.

7. Bathing: Bath removes dirt, sweating and fatigue and brings freshness to the body. Before bath Til oil massage is very beneficial for skin and body.

8. Application of oil: One who applies Til oil on his head regularly does not suffer from headache, baldness or graying of hair. It is also beneficial for applications in nose and ears and makes the skin soft and smooth.

9. Exercise: Physical exercise and Yoga Asans bring lightness to the body, ability to work, stability and stimulate the power of digestion.

10. Hair and nails: The dressing and cutting of hair, mustaches, beard and nails of hand and feet, add cleanliness and beauty to one's personality.

11. Food: Ayurveda recommends vegetarian foods which gives more nourishment to the body than the non-vegetarian foods. Simple food makes the body strong and discords diseases. Overeating may cause obesity and may invite diseases.

12. Night meals: Food should be taken 2-3 hours before going to bed. This will help in proper digestion of food.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Rapidshare Hack For Firefox Users

The hot new Firefox plug-in takes browser customization to a whole new level by letting users filter site content or change page behaviors.

The glory of open-source software is that it allows anyone with the inclination and the scripting knowledge to get under the hood and hot-rod their computing environment. But most of the time, that advantage is available only to people with the programming skills to make the changes they want. That's where Greasemonkey, a free plug-in for Firefox, comes in -- it simplifies hacking the browser.

Released at the end 2004, Greasemonkey is the latest in a growing arsenal of Firefox customization tools. It changes how Web pages look and act by altering the rendering process. Greasemonkey is to Firefox what aftermarket parts are to cars -- it lets you personalize your browser by making it faster and more powerful or simply by making browsing more aesthetically pleasing. How and why you will use Greasemonkey (and I predict you will, if you don't already) will depend on how you browse now.


1) Install the Greasemonkey extension >>


2) Restart Firefox

3) Go to

You can type "rapidshare.user.js" in Google search

4) Right click on rapidshare.user.js and choose "Install User Script".
  • Run FireFox.
  • From File Menu click on Open File then brouse to whereever you saved the 'greasemonkey.xpi' plug-in. Open it, wait a couple seconds for the install button becomes active. Click on it to install this plug-in then CLOSE FIREFOX.
  • Run FireFox again. From the File Menu click on Open File then brouse to whereever you saved the 'rapidshare.user.js'. Open it. Click the Tools Menu then click on Install User Script then click OK.
  • Close FireFox.
The script will let you enjoy "no wait" and multiple file downloads

Rapidshare Download Limits and Waiting Time

Here are some hints to help you more efficently use rapidshare. Skipping waiting time and bypassing download limits are rapidshare hacks that everybody should know.

Rapidshare has been an excellent tool for sharing large files. Recently users have discovered ways of bypassing the download limits and skipping the waiting time. Here are a description of these methods.

Update: Two new methods of bypassing download limits have been posted. These are more advanced and may require additional software or hardware, but you should check them out when you are done with these easier methods:

RapidShare: NIC tricks and MAC cloning to bypass download limit

Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server a different IP address.

Here are some methods for doing this:

Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server a different IP address.

Here are some methods for doing this:

1. Short-Out the JavaScript:

  • Goto the page you want to download

  • Select FREE button

  • In the address bar put the following: javascript:alert(c=0)

  • Click OK

  • Click OK to the pop-up box

  • Enter the captcha

  • Download Your File

2. Request a new IP address from your ISP server.

  • Here’s how to do it in windows:

  • Click Start

  • Click run

  • In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK

  • When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew


  • Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.

  • Try the rapidshare download again.

Frequently you will be assigned a new IP address when this happens. Sometime you will, sometimes you will not. If you are on a fixed IP address, this method will not work. To be honest, I do not know how to do this in linux/unix/etc. If this works for you, you may want to save the above commands into a batch file, and just run it when you need it.

3. Use a proxy with SwitchProxy and Firefox:

4. Use an anonymous service:

Running your system through the tor network should in theory work; however, it is difficult to use and setup. Plus, you allow others to run their evil deeds through your system as well by using this system. Anonymizer 2005 is inexpensive, easy to use, but not free. Other pay services would likely work as well.

5. You can use a bookmarklet to stop your wait times:

  • Open IE

  • Right Click On This Link

  • Select Add to Favorites

  • Select Yes to the warning that the bookmark may be unsafe.

  • Name it “RapidShare No Wait”

  • Click on the Links folder (if you want to display it in your IE toolbar)

  • Click OK

  • You may need to close and reopen IE to see it

  • Goto rapidshare and click the bookmarklet when you are forced to wait